The Vulva and Vagina: Parts of the Female Genitalia

    Many people use the word "vagina" to describe the female genitalia. The anatomy of this area is quite complex and there are actually many  female genitalia. Read on to learn the medical terms for the different parts of the vagina and their functions adult dating.

 Vagina vs Vulva: What's the Difference?
 Some people use the words "vagina" and "vulva" interchangeably, but they refer to two very different parts of the anatomy. The vulva is the medical term for the outer parts of the female genitalia. There are many substances in this area,  each with different functions. The vagina is a specific part of the female internal  anatomy. 

 Parts of the External Female Anatomy
 The vulva has many parts, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, clitoral hood, urethral opening, and vaginal opening.
 The labia majora, also called the outer lips, are  folds of skin that surround other parts of the external genital anatomy. They help protect these tissues.
 The labia majora are fleshy tissues covered with hair. They protect the labia minora and other external parts of the vagina. The shape and size of these fabrics can vary from  person to person.Often the labia majora are darker than the rest of the skin sexy body message

 Labia minora
 The labia minora are located inside the labia majora and  can look different. In some people they are very small. During sex, these tissues swell and become more sensitive.
 Thanks to the many nerve endings, the clitoris is a very sensitive tissue.Unlike other parts of the vagina, its sole purpose is pleasure. The visible part of the clitoris is only a small part of this tissue.
  The clitoral hood covers the clitoris and protects it from irritants. Because the clitoris is so sensitive, the clitoral hood also helps protect it from sensory overload. Glands in the hood produce a lubricant that helps the tissues slide over the clitoris call boy job.

 Orifice of the urethra
 The orifice of the urethra is part of the renal system together with the kidneys and the bladder  and  can be found in the anatomy of the female external genitalia. This opening is located between the labia minora.
 The urethral opening is located between the labia minora, just above the vaginal opening. The  urethral opening in women is short, which can increase the risk of urinary tract infections.
 Urine is produced by the kidneys and stored in the bladder.When  urine needs to leave the body, it passes through a tube called the urethra and exits through the opening of the urethra. This opening is located between the labia minora, just above the opening to the vagina. The  urethral opening in women is short, which can increase the risk of urinary tract infections male escort job

 Vaginal opening
 In some people, the vaginal opening is partially covered by a thin tissue called the hymen. People who have this tissue can tear it when using tampons, exercising, or having sex for the first time.
 parts of the female internal sexual anatomy
The vagina is the most well-known part of the internal female sexual anatomy, but there are many other parts in this area. Cervix, uterus, cervical canal, ovaries, fallopian tubes and fimbriae are some of the other parts of female internal organs. 

 The vagina is a muscular tube. It extends from the  opening of the vagina to the cervix.
 The vagina is very flexible and changes size  depending on what happens to it.The unstimulated vagina is between 2.75 and 3.25 inches long and narrow enough to accommodate a tampon. During sexual intercourse, it can stretch  between 4.25 and 4.75 inches long. During labor, the vaginal tissues are able to expand enough to accommodate the baby. 

 The uterus, also known as the uterus, is the  pear-shaped organ located above the vagina that plays an important role in reproduction and menstruation.
 ligaments hold this organ in place. The lower part of the uterus is called the cervix and the upper part of the uterus is called the fundus.The main part of the uterus is called the body. During pregnancy, the fetus grows inside the uterus. During menstruation, the lining of the uterus breaks down and emerges through the cervix online friendship club

 The cervix is ​​the cylindrical muscular tissue in the lower part of the uterus that separates the uterus from the vagina.
  To protect the uterus from infection, the cervix is ​​usually covered with  thick mucus.At certain times in the menstrual cycle, the mucus thins, allowing sperm to pass through. The cervix opens slightly during menstruation and expands significantly during labor. 

 Cervical Canal
 The cervical canal is a tunnel that runs through the cervix. This tunnel has multiple purposes.
 The cervical canal allows passage between the uterus and the vagina.During menstruation, the uterine lining passes through this canal and out through the vagina. Sperm can enter the uterus through the duct. Also, this canal produces mucus that lubricates the vagina. 


 Located on either side of the uterus, the ovaries are small organs that produce eggs. When you are born, there are already millions of eggs in your ovaries.The egg stores are used up in the course of life. The ovaries also produce hormones that control the menstrual cycle, such as estrogen and progesterone gigolo.

 Fallopian tubes
  During ovulation, an egg cell is released from the ovary. It travels to the fallopian tubes, and if sperm are present, fertilization can occur. Most fertilized eggs continue their journey down the fallopian tube to the uterus, although some implant in the fallopian tube.These pregnancies, called ectopic pregnancies, are not viable and are treated surgically. 

 Many people call the entire female sexual anatomy “the vagina,” but there are many different parts of the female genitalia. If you  have  questions or concerns about your sexual anatomy and  functions, your doctor can be a great resource.Visit and start earning .


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