How does the libido change over the years

 What is the libido? 


 It seems like a simple question, but scientists still don't agree on what exactly constitutes libido or how to measure it in men and women. 

 Men: You are 20 years old 


 Testosterone, the hormone needed for sexual arousal in men, is usually high by the age of 20, as is libido.But it is also a time when you are afraid of sex because of your inexperience. This may be one reason why 8% or more of men in their 20s report erectile dysfunction (ED). The condition can occur due to a medical or mental health issue and can also be a sign of risk of heart disease. Tell your doctor about your symptoms adult dating app


 Female: You are 20 years old 


 You will probably be more fertile from your youth to your late 20s than  in later years.It can make you more selective about whether and when you have sex, even if the reason isn't clear. In fact, scientists believe that female desire may increase as fertility declines in the late 20s. 


 Men: Ages 30 and 40 


 Many men continue to have a strong libido during these years, even though testosterone levels begin to decline around age 35. It usually decreases at about 1% per year but can be faster in some men. It can affect your libido.Also, for many men, the stress of work, family, and other commitments can interfere with their interest in sex body to body message

 Women: 30 and 40 


 Perhaps your libido is at its strongest during this time. One study found that women between the ages of 27 and 45 had more frequent and more intense sexual fantasies than younger or older women. They also had more sex and were more likely to have had it  in a relationship before. 


 Women: having children 


 At any age, pregnancy and childbirth have a major impact on your sex life, but it's different for everyone. This can mean an increase in libido at times, especially in the second trimester, and a lack of sex drive at others. You may also  be wondering if it is safe to have sex while  pregnant. (It usually is, but check with your doctor if you're not sure.) Breastfeeding, parenting, and other occupations can also impact your time, energy, and interest  in sex sonali body message center.

Men: 50+ 


 If you are in good physical and mental condition, there is nothing to stop you enjoying your sex life as you get older. Your erections may be less frequent and  less firm. But it's not age itself that causes the problem, but rather the health problems that become more common with age, such as heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity, and the drugs that treat them. . Your doctor can talk to you about treatment options for erectile dysfunction.


 Women: Age 50 and over 


 Around age 50, an “empty nest” or reduced fear of pregnancy can increase some women's interest in sex. But as you approach menopause, estrogen levels drop, which can dampen your libido  a bit and lead to vaginal dryness. Hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain, and trouble sleeping can also  make you less moody. Ask your doctor about medications, hormones, lubricants, and other treatments call boy service


 You need  testosterone to get you aroused, but the amount isn't clear.This can vary from person to person. And while it's true that levels decrease with age, scientists aren't sure exactly how this affects libido. Some men with "low" testosterone exhibit normal libido, while others with high testosterone experience sexual problems. Other medical conditions, physical ailments, and mental health may be more important factors friendship club near me

 Your Doctor Can Help You 


 Talk to your doctor about problems with your libido as it could be a sign of a medical condition.If your physical response is the problem, your doctor may prescribe hormones that can increase your overall libido (estrogen for women, testosterone for men) or drugs that increase sexual arousal: sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). 

 Speak Up 


 Ask your partner about their needs and wants and talk about yours. Don't be afraid to try new things as your body develops and  life stages change. It can help  you and your partner stay engaged and interested in sex. It might also be a good idea to set aside a few moments of intimacy.Visit and earn money in free time.


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