Colposcopy procedure and what you expect from it.
After reviewing the results of your most recent Pap smear, your doctor will suggest a colposcopy. Of course you have many questions: Why do I need a colposcopy? What happens during the colposcopy? Does a colposcopy hurt?
What is colposcopy?
What exactly is a colposcopy? This is a test that uses a colposcope to take a closer look at the cervix, vagina, and vulva. If a pap smear result is abnormal, your doctor may want to investigate the situation further.The colposcopy procedure provides a lighted, magnified view of tissue in the vaginal area sexy body message.
Abnormal pap smear
The routine pap smear gives your doctor information about the cells in your cervix that should not change significantly until you reach adulthood. However, if they suspect unusual tissue, they need to rule out cancer.
Bleeding After Sex
Sometimes bleeding after sex occurs because of rough sex, sex without lube, or a pre-existing medical condition.If none of the above apply and you suddenly start bleeding after sex or between periods, talk to your doctor right away call boy sex.
Visible Growths
During a pap smear, your doctor may see growths on your cervix, vagina, or vulva. When this happens, they'll want to see if the growth is cancerous or indicative of another condition.
For example, pre-cancerous cell growth can be diagnosed and treated quickly and easily if it is detected early.The need for a colposcopy also depends on your family history.
The doctor inserts a speculum into your vagina and holds the colposcope a few inches from your body. Note that the speculum keeps the vaginal walls open to allow a clear view of the inside and the cervix. Symptoms often arise at this stage.
Using a long cotton swab, the cervix is cleaned with a vinegar solution.This removes mucus from the cervix and allows them to see abnormal cell growth. You may notice a slight sting from the vinegar here male escort job in mumbai.
The doctor uses a colposcope to view the cervix, vagina, and vulva. They may photograph or biopsy any unusual-looking tissue.
Finally, based on a review of the colposcopy results, the physician may decide to perform a biopsy (if he has not already done so).They will apply a special solution to the area to stop the bleeding.
Depending on the location, pain may occur. Keep in mind that after the colposcopy, you will observe a dark discharge that looks like coffee grounds for several days.
This process is quite quick and minimally invasive, as the doctor simply collects additional data such as images or tissue samples. If it helps, consider asking them to discuss the colposcopy procedure with you and letting you know what they're doing while they're doing it friendship club.
Does a colposcopy hurt?
As previously mentioned, the location of the biopsy (if the doctor so desires) is the deciding factor. This is obviously a necessary step in confirming whether abnormal cells are cancerous, and the pain should be temporary. The two most common types of biopsy in this situation are:
Cervical Biopsy: Your doctor may pre-numb the cervical area as it is known to cause pain, cramping and bleeding. They may also suggest taking pain relievers up to 30 minutes in advance. Make sure you discuss these options before the procedure.
Do you think you are pregnant? This may affect when your doctor performs the procedure to protect you and your baby. Avoid
Menstrual Days: To make things easier for your doctor, do not perform a colposcopy during your period. A little bleeding at the beginning or end of her period is usually okay, but too much blood prevents her from seeing clearly. Do not use tampons or sprinklers two days before.
No sex: Avoid sex two days before the colposcopy. As with tampons or irrigators, intercourse can inflame vaginal tissue and reduce visibility gigolo meaning.
Bring a loved one: Having a friend or family member close by is always comforting. You should be able to drive home, but it's a great way to calm your nerves.
Side effects of colposcopy
Colposcopy usually has no side effects.But if you take certain biopsies, you may experience pain, cramping, bleeding, and a dark discharge for a few days. If the bleeding is profuse and the cramps are severe, see your doctor right away.
Colposcopy: This is basically the second phase where the doctor takes a closer look at these tissues.
Biopsy: The third step, if necessary, is to take a sample of abnormal cells and send it for laboratory analysis male escort.
Remember that suggesting a colposcopy and biopsy does not automatically mean you have cancer.These are just precautions to ensure early diagnosis and treatment if something goes wrong.
A colposcopy is a simple in-person exam to verify and explain unusual Pap test results. The most important thing is to stay calm and have open lines of communication with your doctor. If you are honest about your preferences and medical history, they can provide you with the best possible care.Visit and earn money.
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