Can women get erections? You Wanted to Know About Clitoral Erections

 The Female Erection: Anatomy
 To fully understand what the clitoris does and how it changes during sexual arousal, it is important to know what it is made of and where it leads to. The clitoris is a complex sex organ that develops from the same tissues as the penis adult dating sites.
 The clitoris is made up of erectile tissue, which means  parts of the clitoris can swell and hold blood, making it "erect" when you're aroused. Only a small part of the clitoris is visible from the outside, while the rest  is hidden under the skin.
 Glans - This is the small tip of the clitoris above the urinary opening and the only part visible from the outside. This small bump has a large number of nerve endings, making it one of the most sensitive organs in your body.
 Clitoral hood (shaft) - The two folds of skin on the inner labia come together to form a small hood just over the glans called the clitoral hood.Envelopes and protects the sensitive glans.
 Corpora Cavernosa - These are two spongy corpora cavernosa that are connected  and run on either side of the glans. When you are sexually aroused, these tissues fill  with blood.
 crura - The  tissues of the cavernous bodies extend to the long, thin legs (or legs). These branches are located on either side of the vagina.
 Vestibular Bulbs - On either side of the legs are two spongy, bulbous organs called vestibular bulbs or clitoral bulbs. When you're aroused, these bulbs fill with blood, making your clitoris erect.  Muscle contractions during orgasm push blood out of the bulbs and the erection decreases female to male body message.
 clitoral erection  
 During fetal development, the penis and  clitoris develop from the same tissue.As with the tip of the penis, clitoral stimulation is very pleasurable during sex or while masturbating. Even get a clitoral erection when you're horny! While the penis stiffens externally during an erection, clitoral erections tend to occur internally, causing swelling and pressure on the vulva. Some signs of a clitoral erection are:
 Blood trapped in the  tissues of the cavernous bodies and clitoral pads causes them to swell and put pressure on the surrounding organs.
 This pressure pushes the vulva outward, making the labia appear larger and swollen.
 The glans may appear swollen and larger than usual.

 The labia become red and reddish when the surrounding organs are filled with blood.
 The vagina can become more hydrated call boy sex.

What kind of a feeling is this?
 Since the clitoris is a sensitive sexual organ,  erection of the clitoris is associated with sexual arousal. Your labia may be swollen and tighter than usual. The glans or the  tip of the clitoris can also be very sensitive to touch. When you become aroused during a clitoral erection, the vaginal glands can secrete a secretion for lubrication in preparation for intercourse.After orgasm,  rhythmic vaginal contractions push blood trapped in the clitoral tissue back into the body, retracting the erection. If you don't have an orgasm after a clitoral erection, that blood will slowly return to your system, but it may take longer than when you have an orgasm male escort job


 Some people may experience a rare and painful condition called clitoral priapism. This is when the clitoris is erect and swollen with blood for a  long time. This makes the labia and clitoral glans  very sensitive, painful and swollen.It can cause discomfort and you may not want to have sex because of it. If you experience persistently sensitive, swollen labia and a painful clitoris for hours, you should definitely see a doctor.
 The clitoris plays an important role in  sexual pleasure and a healthy sex life. The clitoris is made up of the same cavernous bodies as the penis and is made up of many glands. Like the penis, the clitoris  swells and fills with blood during sexual arousal.This causes a clitoral erection,  which pushes the labia and tip of the clitoris outward, making it swollen and larger than usual. The vulva also becomes reddish because  blood flows into the pelvis when you are aroused online friendship club.
 If you experience unusual, tender, and painful swelling of your labia regularly for several hours, this could indicate clitoral priapism. It is a rare condition that can cause discomfort and pain if left untreated. If you are not aroused but your clitoris is still erect and  lasts for more than four hours, you should definitely see a doctor.Visit for more adult contents.


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